See all the latest C&B projects
at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
We will be in Hall 8 stand
number B912

Pregnancy Shape Shifter
Chrissie Gallagher-Mundy
Publication Date:
Spring 2012
Getting back into shape after pregnancy is a new mother’s priority. However, it is important that the process isn’t rushed and keeps pace with the body’s own recuperative powers. It’s also vital that any get-back-in-shape programme be easy to follow and fit in with the time available.
Pregnancy Shape Shifter offers new mums a 40-week programme to a better figure. Lasting about the same time as it takes to create a body capable of nurturing a baby, the programme consists of weekly plans that are built around 10 core exercises. Once these are mastered – with an emphasis on the abdominals, back and legs – the exercises can be intensified through the number of repetitions, changes in position and the addition of weights. Best of all, these weekly plans can be removed from the book and taken to wherever a woman wants to exercise and when she’s finished, can be popped back into the integral pocket for safe keeping.
- A graduated specially designed programme that targets all relevant parts of the body
- 10 easy-to-master versatile exercises that can be altered to provide increased benefits
- Exercises designed to be done with little or no specialised equipment
- Weekly routines that build in intensity
- Separate cards for the weekly routines that can be taken to the gym or to another room, then placed back in the book
- Warm ups and cool downs included
- Advice on starting a programme and precautions to take after a caesarean or difficult delivery
Chrissie Gallagher-Mundy, runs The London Academy of Personal Fitness established in 1989, which trains celebrities, royalty and pregnant and post-pregnant women from all over London. She has a BA (Hons) in Dance & Movement Studies is a Level 3 (REPS) Fitness professional, and is currently studying for an MSc in Exercise for Health. She lectures on nutrition, health and fitness at various London colleges and runs the Fitness Instructor Level 2 courses for newly qualifying trainers. Chrissie has contributed to magazines including: Best, Bella, Woman, Baby, and Our Baby and has been Prima’s fitness columnist for a year and has written more than 13 health books including Caesarean Recove
Size: 88 pages 40 cards, 268 x 216mm
Binding: Paperback
Images: 150
ISBN: 9781907952029
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Your Pregnancy Day-By-Day
Professor Stuart Campbell DSc FRCP FRCOG
Revised and up-dated edition
Publication Date:
Spring 2012
This unique pregnancy diary, in a handy-sized format, has been revised to take account of the latest pregnancy information and been redesigned so that almost half the original photographs have been replaced by newer generation scans and more modern pictures. Yet the book remains packed with practical tips for pregnant mums on enjoying a healthy pregnancy and providing a protective environment for their growing babies while still demonstrating how babies develop in the womb on a daily basis through an amazing display of fetal behaviour and expressions.
- The latest information on the tests, terms and treatments to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
- Up-to-date advice on nutrition, exercise, daily care and travel
- New, improved 3-D scans of babies’ development and behaviour
- Pages given a redesign with a more sympathetic colour scheme and dozens of new photographs
- Same great handy format and price
Professor Stuart Campbell DSc FRCP FRCOG is a pioneer of ultrasound diagnosis and has introduced many of the standard techniques employed in the antenatal examination of the fetus. He was Academic Head of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at King’s College School of Medicine, London for 20 years and the first President of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Currently he is a consultant at the centre for Reproduction and Advanced Technology (Create Health) London. He is the author of Watch Me Grow published by C&B.
Size: 304pp 125 x 175 mm
Binding: Paperback
Images: 300
ISBN: 9781907952180
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Sweet Dreams
Arna Skula
Publication Date:
Spring 2012
Sleep is not an isolated part of a baby’s life – instead it is intertwined with things like nutrition, development and personality. In Sweet Dreams paediatric nurse and sleep specialist Arna Skula brings us into a baby’s world and explores it through the lens of sleep. She discusses ways to improve sleep habits, how to solve sleep problems, and what role parents play in establishing and maintaining good sleep habits in their babies and small children. Every baby is unique and no single method will work for all children.
The first part of the book deals generally with babies’ sleep and sleeping habits, parents’ roles, and sleeping problems. The second part of the book is broken up into chapters with practical guidelines for babies at different ages, making it easy for parents to use. Realistic expectations and the main issues for babies and concerns of parents at each stage of development are addressed. Bringing order to babies’ overall sleep/wake rhythms can help them sleep better at night, and indeed good night-time sleep depends greatly on the right kind of daytime wakefulness. Babies’ time awake should be neither too short nor too long.
- Help for parents to understand the role of sleep in their babies’ routine at every stage
- Charts showing typical waking, sleeping and feeding patterns for babies at different ages and in different circumstances
- Wide range of questions from real parents with responses and advice from Arna Skula’s experience of working with babies and their parents
- Overview of realistic expectations from newborn to the age of two
- How to curtail night feeding to establish good sleeping habits, while making sure babies get the food and drink they need to thrive
- Help for parents in special circumstances, such as twins, premature babies, and babies born close together
- Support for parents and their babies with colic, ear infections and other temporary problems that can disrupt good sleep patterns
Arna Skula is a clinical nurse specialist at the Children’s Hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland and has worked in paediatric nursing since 1978. For the last 13 years she has built up an outpatient clinic in Iceland for babies with sleep problems which assists some 500 families a year. She is also an active researcher and teacher and regularly contributes to media discussions on the welfare of parents and children.
Size: 144 pp 246 x189mm
Binding: Paperback
Images: 100
ISBN: 9781907952104
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The Pregnancy Herbal
Susannah Marriott
Publication Date:
Spring 2012
Plants can be an essential part of pregnancy – both ensuring your fitness to conceive as well as keeping your body healthy during the three trimesters and in the postnatal period. They also can be used to make wonderful natural products to use with your new baby. Although some herbs are ‘off the menu’ during this time, many others can be used in food and drinks, or be transformed into body and hair products or used whole in sachets, pillows and toys. Used judiciously, herbs are a great source of natural ‘goodness’, and their restorative and health-promoting qualities have been known for many hundreds of years.
The Pregnancy Herbal takes the guesswork out of knowing which herbs to use and in which ways to enjoy a safe and healthy pregnancy and to look after your young baby without worries. It will provide you with all the know-how necessary to produce herbal products in the comfort of your kitchen and offers dozens of recipes and ideas for beautiful things to make and use. It distills the wisdom of countless generations of midwives and wise women to provide an up-to-the-minute sourcebook of effective plant remedies and products.
- A sourcebook of ideas for using herbs to conceive, during pregnancy, in the postnatal period and with a young baby.
- Guidance on which herbs and plant products to use and in what forms, and which to avoid.
- Ideas, recipes and instructions for enchanting things to make and delicious food and drinks.
- Step-by-step instruction on preparing safe herbal remedies in the form of teas, tinctures, creams, oils and infusions.
- Suggestions for scented products to make for baby’s room and clothes and to produce a relaxed atmosphere.
- Instructions on making natural products for easing pregnancy complaints and caring for baby’s gentle skin.
Susannah Marriott is a part-time lecturer and freelance writer, specialising in complementary health and natural approaches to pregnancy and parenting. Among her 19 books, Super Foods for Pregnancy, Your Non-Toxic Pregnancy, Beads of Faith and Spice Spa have been published by Carroll & Brown. Her writing has appeared in magazines and newspapers including The Guardian: Weekend, Junior, Top Santé, Health & Fitness and Healthy, and she has blogged for and
Size: 128 pp 268 x216mm
Binding: Paperback
Images: 150
ISBN: 9781907952081
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Babycare Day-by-Day
DR. Frances Wiliams
Publication Date:
Spring 2012
Arriving home with a new baby can be a stressful situation. Even if you attended childbirth classes, once you have your own baby to handle, feed, change, dress and comfort, you will probably find yourself desperately seeking answers as to what to do. Don’t panic! Armed with this incredibly handy book, you will see at a glance how to successfully manage all aspects of your baby’s care. And what’s more, it’s stand-up format enables you to keep your hands on your baby where they are needed. Here you will discover how to put on fabric or disposable nappies; change, dress and bath your baby; hold and handle him or her and manage all aspects of feeding. The specially shot step-by-step photographs take the guesswork out of even difficult tasks – like cleaning around the umbilical stump – so that you become a more effective and calmer parent, which will benefit both you and your baby.
- Help for parents in managing all aspects of daily care – from changing and feeding through to putting your baby to bed
- Ideal for newborns and babies up to 18 months
- Emergency first aid procedures and advice on caring for an ill baby
- Ideas on amusing your baby and taking him or her out safely
- Large, step-by-step photographs and easy-to-read captions
- The unique stand-up format enables you to follow the instructions while your hands stay free to care for your baby
- Easily portable so it can be taken wherever you care for your baby
- Can be used by babysitters, mothers’ helps and grandparents
Dr. Frances Williams is a general practitioner based in London who has worked with hundreds of new parents and babies. In addition to managing a practice, Dr. Williams has contributed to a number of health and medical books aimed at the general public.
Size: 96 pp 248 x171mm
Binding: Hardback spiral bound
Images: 300
ISBN: 9781907952135
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